

Address and contact

Henry Lamotte Food GmbH
Auf dem Dreieck 3
28197 Bremen

P.O. Box 10 48 44
28048 Bremen

Phone: +49 421 – 5239-470
Fax: +49 421 – 5239-47199


Hermann Bosse
Sebastian Drewes
Albert Lamotte
Christian Siebrecht

Commercial Register Bremen

HRB 23830 HB

VAT no.


Published by

Henry Lamotte Food GmbH, Bremen

Responsible for editorial contents according §18 Abs. 2 MStV

Julia Schmidt,
c/o Henry Lamotte Food GmbH, Auf dem Dreieck 3, 28197 Bremen


The internet pages of Henry Lamotte Food GmbH contain links to pages of business partners and organisations. For the content of those pages, Henry Lamotte Food GmbH takes no responsibility whatsoever. Moreover, we have no knowlede of information contained in other internet sites and take no responsibility whatsoever for such information.

Data Protection Officer

Our company data protection officer will be happy to provide you with information or suggestions on the subject of data protection:

Dr. Uwe Schläger
datenschutz nord GmbH
E-mail: Phone: +49 421 696632-0

Image rights

This site uses images from Shutterstock, Adobe Stock and You can view an overview of the copyright holders here.

Further to the EU Regulation 524/2013 (“ODR Regulation”) our company does not participate in the Consumer Dispute Resolution Procedures before a Consumer Arbitration Board.

Our certifications
Certification page