We work hand in hand
We procure high quality products from all over the world. As we do this, we are always looking for new suppliers who want to join us on our journey to create the best products on the food market. Interested in working with us?
Feel free to contact us
Bundled know-how
You have an in-depth knowledge of your products and how to get the most out of your raw materials. We have an understanding of the market and the needs of our customers. If we work together, we'll bring your product to market. We'll take care of the logistics and all marketing and sales activities.
Bundled know-how on customer needs and products
Regular contacts, visits, inspections and audits
Broad customer network
Code of Conduct
Our suppliers must have Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certification. When working with our growers, we also pay particular attention to the various production conditions, standards and codes of conduct that must be adhered to when working with them. All of this can be found in our Code of Conduct.
About our Code of ConductWorking closely with our suppliers, we support each other with information on markets, crop prospects, quality, price and availability. A successful partnership is based on openness and fairness.